Sunday, January 25, 2009



Hi Everyone!
We loved Cabo San Lucas and were sorry there wasn’t more time to explore the area. I found it interesting that the pelicans were “blondes” and “brunettes” -- they didn’t seem to be bothered by people, sunning themselves on boats, docks and the piers. The harbor is shallow so we had to take a tender (the lifeboats) from the ship to shore -- I was impressed with how durable and well stocked for emergencies they seemed to be. However, I wouldn’t want to test them in high seas! The beaches are pretty, and the hills are developed with homes and hotels. The overall effect was very different from Acapulco. A large American retirement colony has sprung up because of the wonderful weather and low prices. Even Costco and Home Depot have found their way here!
Our time in LA was limited because we weren’t allowed to get off until all the disembarking passengers and their luggage were offloaded .. Dean (Dick’s son) drove up from San Diego to have lunch with us and update us on all the happenings with his family. My nephew and his wife also spent time with us, and I managed to have the Geek Squad create a “workaround” for the problem I got myself into earlier. Our friends Chuck and Erlyne came on board, and we spent a lovely evening watching the L.A. harbor slip away as we began our voyage to Hawaii.

Our days at sea are busy with fitness classes, arts and crafts seminars, bridge lessons, cooking and flower arranging demonstrations, and ‘explorations lectures’ to choose from. There’s a movie theatre and a showroom where they entertain us with comedians, musical shows and tonight Vicki Lawrence is the headliner. The weather’s been dreary and the swells are a little more than gentle, but no sea sickness …. All this water gives me a greater appreciation for the explorers who first discovered Hawaii (and the New World in general) and how they managed to find it again on later voyages …
We’ve all had some illnesses -- Dick started us out with a bad cough, cold and sore throat which Stela soon developed, and I had abdominal cramps and headache for a few days. But we’re all on the road to recovery, and fortunately it’s on our days at sea so we’re not missing out on seeing the ports of call. It also doesn’t hurt any of us to miss a meal or two! Next stop is Hilo -- and we have our shopping lists for WalMart ready. We’ve all discovered things that we’ve forgotten and can’t live without …

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