Tuesday, May 12, 2009


THE JOURNEY ENDS -- Full Circle ….

We've circumnavigated the world, from Fort Lauderdale to Fort Lauderdale, a total of 45,614 miles, the equivalent of going 1.6 times around the world! We’ve visited 25 countries on five continents, from the primitive to the exotic and places in between; we’ve had the opportunity of seeing the people, cultures and politics of many countries, which has given us a better understanding of global concerns. I must admit that we’ll miss the captain’s daily updates from the bridge, the 650 crew members whose sole purpose in life was to make us comfortable and happy, and of course, the motion of the ocean ….

As we pack away the treasures we’ve gathered from around the world, we can’t help but reminisce about the places we’ve seen, the people we’ve met, the experiences we’ve had, and how much our lives have been enriched. We hope that by sharing our trip with you, we have somehow touched your lives, too.

Thank you for joining us. To quote our cruise director’s favorite saying each evening, “I hope you had a great day today, and that you have an even better day tomorrow.” God bless!

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