Sunday, March 6, 2011


Our buffet dinner was at a local restaurant which included some unusual dishes -- I sampled alpaca in a rich gravy, which tasted like beef stew, and corn which had been mashed and prepared like mashed potatoes. Everything was presented beautifully, and the dessert table in particular was very tempting. We toasted our safe arrival with the typical Pisco Sour, then enjoyed local wine with our meal.

After dinner we were entertained by musicians playing typical instruments, followed by several dances performed very energetically by dancers dressed in local costumes. I admit I was happy when they finished -- after such a long day travelling, and so much alcohol, I was fading fast. The hotel was very large with two identical wings, a maze of halls and hidden elevators, but I finally managed to find my room and I was asleep almost before my head touched the pillow. What a great day!

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