Thursday, February 3, 2011


When we were first boarding the ship in Fort Lauderdale, we spotted a couple with a small white bichon frise dog, and assumed that they were simply on board to see someone off. Not so. She's a full 66-day cruise passenger!

Since then we've had the pleasure of chatting with them on several occasions.

Steve Newman is a Gulf War vet who has lost 90% of his hearing and also suffers from Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome. He has nightmares and flashbacks of the fighting which causes tremors and extreme shaking. He has learned to read lips but needs help with his other problems.

Solution: Gotita, translation, "Droplets of Love." She is nine years old and has been with Steve for eight -- he helped with the latter part of her training. She is a therapy dog whose job it is to alert Steve by barking when someone comes to the door or when the phone rings, and in the case of the phone, by sitting in front of it and 'pointing' to it. More importantly she works while Steve sleeps. She lays on his chest and calms him down when he experiences one of his attacks. They've developed their own method of communication and Steve knows when she wants to get off the bed, or is hungry, or needs to go out. She herself is also on medication for urinary problems so needs to stick to a routine as much as possible.

She loves music, and the Newmans often bring her to the showroom in her cart to listen to the guest singers and musicians in the evening before she 'goes to work'. The ship has arranged a special area for her biological needs, hidden in a corner on the top deck near the putting green!

What a delightful special little dog she is!

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